Legal Help for Narcissistic Abuse: 6-Point Comprehensive Guide

legal help for narcissistic abuse | JMR Lawyers

If you’re enduring narcissistic abuse in Brisbane, it’s important to understand that legal avenues are available to protect your well-being and secure your future. Narcissistic abuse often involves patterns of coercive control, manipulation, and emotional harm, which are recognised under Queensland’s domestic violence laws. By recognising the signs and taking appropriate legal steps, you can […]

Controlling Personality Disorder: 6 Warning Signs

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Controlling personality disorder is not a clinical diagnosis but refers to a pattern of behaviour where a person feels the need to dominate, manipulate, or excessively influence others. If you have ever felt like someone in your life constantly dictates your choices, limits your independence, or pressures you into doing things their way, you may […]

False Sexual Assault Allegations: 4 Negative Impacts

false sexual assault allegations | JMR Lawyers

A false sexual assault allegation refers to a claim of sexual misconduct that is untrue or misleading. These claims can arise due to misunderstandings, personal vendettas, or even mistaken identity. In some cases, false allegations may also surface in the context of domestic violence disputes, particularly during custody battles or when seeking a protection order. […]

What Is Classed as Domestic Violence: 6 Different Types

what is classed as domestic violence | JMR Lawyers

Domestic violence is any behaviour within a relationship that causes physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, or financial harm to you. It is not limited to physical assault—domestic violence includes patterns of control, intimidation, coercion, and isolation. This form of abuse can occur in intimate relationships, within families, and even in shared living situations. Understanding Domestic Violence […]

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