Home / Team / Tiarna Randell

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Family & Domestic Violence

Tiarna graduated from the Queensland University of Technology with a Bachelor of Law (Honours)/Bachelor of Justice in 2021 and a Graduate in Legal Practice in 2022.

Tiarna was admitted as a Solicitor in the High Court in 2022. 

 Tiarna has worked with JMR Lawyers and Mediators since the commencement of her legal career, initially employed with the firm as a Law Clerk. 

Tiarna is a dedicated family lawyer, passionate about achieving the best outcome for our clients through being transparent and upfront. Our clients appreciate Tiarna’s supportive and caring nature, helping them to navigate a stressful and confusing process. 

T loves a rest, reset, and relax kind of weekend and like most of us, spends her downtime with family and friends.

We're here for you.

We understand how taxing legal matters can be. With a team of compassionate lawyers ready to fight for you and your family, we’re here for you. 

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